Veka Bread


Makes: 1 Veka Bread
Prep: 20 min.
First rise: 45 min.
Hands on: 10 min.
Second rise: 1 hr.
Bake: 390°F / 200°C 25 min.
Total: 2 hrs. 40 min.

1 1/2 cups (375 ml) milk
1 tsp granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp dry yeast
4 cups (560 g) all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 Tbsp (56 g) unsalted butter (melted) or oil

1 egg or water

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  1. It is always a pleasure watching you create and bake, turning your amazing recipes into delightful meals. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Lyn 🙂

  2. Kristýno, jste úžasná. To naprosto musím zkusit! Pozdravy ze Spojených Států (ještě jste v České republice?) – Jim

    1. Ahoj Jim, dekuji 🙂 Ano jsem jeste v CR. Ale stale se planuji vratit do USA.

  3. I’m making your Gingerbread cookie and the temp online and in the book states 250 degrees. Is that an error? I’m thinking maybe it should have been 350 degrees. Please let me know soon. I love your books. It reminds me so much of our two trips within the last 10 years.

    1. Definitely correct

  4. Which is correct?? 250 or 350??

    1. I am not sure what numbers you are referring to. There is neither 250 or 350. ???

  5. Monika and I have been using a different recipe for Veka and I can not wait to use your recipe. We are so happy to see you still posting great recipes and we are still looking forward to the Rakvičky recipe to go with those wonderful molds we received.

    1. Please let me know when you try it. I am so close now with the rakvicky. The hardest recipe I have ever worked on. As soon I have it I will send it to you guys to test it for me. The hardest part now is the baking time.

  6. I made this bread yesterday & it was so easy & tasted delicious. I didn’t roll mine out as long because I wanted more of a sandwich size bread. Turned out perfect. It made a big loaf so I sliced it & froze into daily portions since it’s just me now that my hubby passed.

    1. I am sorry to hear Bonnie about your husband! My condolences! I am glad to hear you enjoyed this bread. Good idea with freezing daily portions. 🙂

  7. Vyšla mi krasna veka uz po druhy krat, dakujem! Skusala som predtym podla inych receptov a bola to hroza. Som vdacna za super receptik vdaka ktoremu si mozem dopriat chlebicky uz aj na Floride.

    1. To mam radost, ze se povedla a chutna. 🙂

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