Prep: 30 minutes
Bake: 350 °F (180 °C) 40 – 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
The bundt cake is smaller so it is better to use smaller bundt form.
Bundt Cake
2 cups (280 g) all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup (200 g) granulated sugar
1⁄2 cup (120 ml) oil
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 lemon for zest
1 cup (240 ml) milk
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
Unsalted butter at room temperature and all purpose flour for bundt form
Powdered sugar
I would love to save your recipes to Pinterest. Do you think you will ever be on there?
I am on Pinterest for some time already.
Under each blog post recipe there are social media icons. Pinterest is one of them or you can look me up on Pinterest as well.
Where are the directions printed?
I am sorry but I don’t have the steps written down. Just instructions in the video and list of ingredients.
How small should the bundt form be? I don’t want to buy the wrong size! Diky!
The smaller, better.
If you will use bigger one, the cake would be just not as tall. I have just regular bundt form here in USA. In Czech we have smaller one. Both works fine. 
As much as I love your blog and your recipes I am really disappointed with this one.Babovka is dry and not sweet at all. Also didn’t raise much. But all your other recipes are wonderful.
I am sorry to hear that! Hm that is strange, mine doesn’t seem dry or not sweet enough. But maybe because in CZ we are not used to too much sugar. I know the size is smaller because in US are much bigger forms. Next time try to mix baking powder with flour not put it into liquid. Another thing please make sure the baking powder is not expire. You can add sugar next time. I hope it will come out better. Another suggestion you can put frosting on whole bundt cake which will make it moist. Sometimes I do and it is delicious.
Ome more question, please! What kind of oil are you using? Canola, vegetable, or what? Thank you!
Sunflower oil but you can use canola or any vegetable or seed oil.
My husband and I enjoyed this cake very much. It’s simple!, easy and tasty. I agree that it’s not as sweet as many US cakes, and we liked that. It wasn’t dry, but to the person who thought it was, check the way you’re measuring flour. It’s easy to accidentally pack your flour, and get too much in the cake which causes dryness. I’ll make this again!
I am glad to hear you enjoyed this bundt cake.
Also over-mixing can cause dryness. Mine are never dry.
I never ever can do baking until i found this recipe. I love this!!i follow every single step on the video. It came out so delicious, fluffy and sweet. My boyfriend is from czech and he loves loves it. Thank you again.
Aww! That is wonderful! I am glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Are pumpkins grown much in the Czech Republic or Slovakia? Would they ever bake a pumpkin bundt cake? Would you have a recipe for one? Would you have a recipe using a cake mix and then adding the pumpkin and some spices? Hope so. Thanks Karolinka
Pumpkins are not something we actually grow much. I don’t even remember seeing them growing up. Now it is little more common to see them around in stores and there are more recipes showing up. I don’t have any so I won’t be much help here. Wishing you will be able to find some.
Dobry den,
moje maminka shani vase recepty na internetu v Cestine.
Nasmerujete me prosim Vas, kde hledat ?
Diky moc
Dobrý den, videa jsou v angličtině. Na stránce ale mám Google překladač na prave straně, kde se dá nastavit čeština. A to pak přeloží seznam surovin.
Krystynko dneska jsem upekla tuto bábovku přesně podle tvého a byla absolutně nejlepší co jsem kdy měla! Děkuji jsi fakt šikulka!
Jee, tak to jsem rada!
I got a bundt pan for my birthday and the first thing I made was this cake. That was a couple of weeks ago. I’ve made THREE of these since then! And there are just two of us at home. Needless to say, this cake is delicious, a perfect consistency, and very easy to make. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!
That makes me so happy to hear! Glad you are enjoying it.
Dobry den, koukala sem na vas recept a myslíte, že místo klasické babovky by ten recept šel použít na velikonočního beránka? Formu mám z ceska.
Dobrý den, já myslím ze lepší by bylo piskotove těsto.
Dobry den,
poradila byste mi, proc se mi babovka vzdy zdrcne? Vyzkouseno dvakrat… Dekuji!
Napadá mě jestli jste během pečení neotvirala troubu. Nemá ráda změny teplot. Muže být i nedopečená. Musí se zkusit špejlí jestli je hotová. Po vytahnutí ji jemně položit na desku nebo něco.
Ahoj Kristýna!
I’ve been following you for Bour 10 years now and I have made many of your recipes. I wanted to personally come here and show some love in 2022 . I made this bábovka today and it was WONDERFUL. Moist, bouncy and perfect sweetness. I’m not sure why someone said it was dry and not sweet – just follow the instructions right?! I brought it to a potluck lunch and it was an instant hit.
Thank you so much!
Ahoj Jasmine, I am sorry for such late reply. This makes me very happy to hear! Every-time I make it it is always gone super fast and everybody loves it. So hear it from other people makes me happy.
Could you use this recipe to make Beranek? I have a two piece ceramic mold.
Thank you
I think that should be ok, but it will need longer baking time due to ceramic mold. Make sure to butter it everywhere with soften butter very good and dusted with flour. If one little piece in mold will not be buttered it will stick and the lamb will rip. Please let me know if you try.
Can we use a different tin type , if don’t have Bundt tin ?
Yes should be no problem