Dumplings – Domácí knedlíky


Prep: 15 minutes
Knead: 5 minutes
Rise: 1 – 2 hours
Hands On: 5 minutes
Second Rise: 15 minutes
Boil / Steam: 40 minutes – 1 hour (less time if you boil / steam two or three together)
Total Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes – 4 hours

3 dumplings, each approximately
3 1⁄2 inches x 10 inches (9 cm x 25 cm)

1 1⁄2 cups (350 ml) milk
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
3 1⁄2 cups (600 g) Wondra flour or similar coarse flour (you need to buy at least two Wondra flour containers if you purchased the 13.5 oz (380 g) size container)
1 1⁄2 teaspoons salt
1 egg
Melted butter or oil if using a steamer

The best flour to use is Wondra flour which is available in the U.S.A. and is more coarse than all purpose flour. Since Wondra flour is not commonly found outside of the U.S., here is a list of matching flour types contributed by people in the Czech Cookbook online community who live outside of the U.S. Every flour type weighs and hydrates differently so try with a smaller amount than this recipe specifies and then add flour as needed.
› Czech Republic: Polohrubá mouka
› Canada: Robin Hood Nutri Flour Blend “Tastes Like White” or Robin Hood Easy Blend
› Australia: Continental flour, any brand
› Sweden: Idealmjöl
› Poland: Krupczatka
› Germany: Aurora Instant Mehl Type 405 or any Spätzlemehl

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  1. Thank you for recipe I have had no success making my mom’s dumplings it took her a few years to find the right flour here in Can. It was when she found instant flour that had a coarser texture it worked out well. Unfortunately it is not on the market anymore. I have also never heard of Robin Hood Nutra Flour but will search. There is also coarse flour at the Bulk Barn that I will try.

    1. Wishing you success Jean!

    2. There is a flour for pizza at loblaw. Its coarse. I also found coarse flour in a Polish store. I’m from Hamilton, ont. Both worked well

      1. Yes Polish stores carry Krupczatka flour that works great. For I don’t have any Polish or Russian stores close by.

        1. What size electric stand mixer do you find works well for you at home to make your knedliky, bread & baked goods at home? I’m interested in purchasing one. Thank you!

          1. I have the medium size. I forgot the name. Works perfect for regular baking. 🙂

    3. In Canada you can buy Robin Hood easy blending flour. Perfect for dumplings.

      1. Yes I mention this one in my book for Dumplings recipe. 🙂

    4. Walmart sells Wondra, even in 50lb bags, online. They will also list other sources.

  2. You are AMAZING! That video helped tremendously 🙂 The Knedliky came out JUST PERFECT! Thank you so much for sharing:)

    1. I am happy to hear Sara! ☺️

  3. Absolute perfection! Thank you for sharing this recipe and the video to watch! The video was crucial in the successful execution of this delicious dish:)

    1. Thank you for letting me know Sara!

  4. Hi
    I’m in the UK so I struggled to find the right kind of flour. I ended up using 300g of semolina and 300g of normal flour. Hope that helps someone.

    1. Thank you ☺️ In Uk you can also find Polish store and get Krupczatka flour.

    2. Yes, I’m in U.K. also. I agree with you that using half semolina and half normal flour works very well. There is a store in London that sells Czech food and they stock three grades of flour, fine, medium and coarse if that helps. Not sure if I am allowed to say which store on this site, but it begins with an H

      1. You can definitely say the stores name. 😉

  5. Could you please leave a flour recommendation in the UK, but also with access to several Polish Grocery stores. Perhaps a type of Polish flour would be the
    easiest. Thank you. Up till now, I have been buying dumplings when I get back to the USA and particularly Berwyn, Ill. The Czech run Plaza Restaurant always comes through for me. Triple wrapped I put them in my freezer in England and have used them even after several years. Defrost, slice and steam.
    I can tell how old they are by the outer wrapping of newspaper which has the date on it.

    1. In UK I found out the only flour that works so far is the one found in Polish stores called Krupczatka. Oh wow, that is amazing! I also freeze my dumplings. Very handy when you need them. 🙂

  6. In your video you mention leaving a link for his to store and then reheat the dumplings. I did not find this link. Can you provide please? I LOVE your site! It is so very helpful. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Lois! Glad to hear you enjoy my site. 🙂 I did provide the links on youtube in description. Here they are: Stainless Steel Dumpling Shovel: https://czechcookbookshop.com/collections/kitchen-tools/products/dumpling-shovel
      How to preserve and steam dumplings: http://www.czechcookbook.com/how-to-preserve-and-steam-dumplings-jak-zamrazit-a-naparit-knedle/
      You can also do search on my website and you should find all you need. 🙂

  7. I made these dumplings yesterday, and they turned out perfect. Thank you. I have a question regarding your chicken paprikash recipe. I have a large party planned and would like to make your chicken recipe, but then clean all of the meat off the bones and freeze the meat in the paprikash sauce. Do you foresee any problems or concerns freezing the chicken paprikash in this manner? Does the paprikash freeze well? Thank you!

    1. I wouldn’t recommend freezing it since it has a cream in it, sauce would separate.

      1. Thank you for your reply. I’ve decided to make the chicken up to the point of adding the cream and freezing it. I will add the thickening cream after thawing it and prior to serving it. Hope it turns out well!

        1. I hope it will turn out well. 🙂

  8. I have seen some people suggest using a combination of all-purpose flour and semolina flour. Have you ever tried that? I have semolina flour already so just trying to figure out if I can save myself a trip to the grocery store.

    1. I have once and it didn’t work for me.

  9. Thanks for this recipe!! I’m from Czech Republic and now I have been already 3 months in USA and I really miss dumplings (what is funny because when I was at home I wasn’t big fan of them)!

    1. How funny. 🙂 Different culture makes a difference. 🙂

  10. Can you explain why you boil these uncovered, but the bread dumplings you boil with a lid on the pot? Does it make a difference? Thanks!

    1. When I first created my dumpling recipes I used to have lid covered. But sometimes dumplings would deflate for me and others. So I worked on improving my recipe so dumplings never deflate. I still need to redo my Bread dumplings video with the same technique.

  11. I made this with wondra flour and it worked perfectly. Will the recipe still work if I use all purpose? It’s hard for me to get that flour.

    1. Dumplings from all purpose will look great and fluffy but they will be very chewy. Harder to eat. Wondra makes them fall apart when you bite into them.

  12. Hi,
    I cannot find yeast anywhere because of the recent pandemic. Is it possible for me to substitute with quick rise flour instead of wondra and yeast? I was hoping to make this for czech guláš. Thank you!

    1. Self rising flour has baking powder in it. There are some recipes using baking powder. I wouldn’t recommend using anything else except yeast for this recipe. You can try to pear gulas with potato latkes, which people also do or with gnocchi.

  13. Only have instant yeast. Can I use it? How much do I use? Add to dry ingredients?

    1. Please watch my video. Everything is in there.

      1. I watched again. Where do you talk about instant/rapid rise yeast instead of active dry yeast? I

        1. I only use regular active rise yeast, never rapid rise.

  14. Trying this recipe to commemorate a wonderful trip to Czechia last summer. What is the longest I can wait until I slice dumpling? Can I wait 2 – 4 hrs., or need to slice sooner and then reheat?

    1. You can slice them when you want but they will not stay warm. You can slice them even next day but you will need to reheat them. I do have a video how to preserve and reheat dumplings.

  15. I made these dumplings with guláš, they turned out just as I had them in South Bohemia where my Czech grandma has a house! We couldn’t visit the Czech republic this year because of the virus, so I made this instead. I used Dutch all-purpose flour and surprisingly the dumplings turned out great, they had that perfect spongy texture. Thank you for your recipe.

    1. I am happy to hear! 🙂

  16. Úžasná knedľa! Akurát sme dojedli so svieckovou. Veľká vďaka za vaše recepty podľa ktorých môžme robiť v USA naše jedla. Ďakujem!

    1. Tak to me tesi 🙂 Jsem rada, ze chutnalo.

  17. I am a bit confused by the flour requirement as you call it ‘coarse’ flour but easy blending or pizza/pasta flour is actually very fine. (just difference in gluten content). I made this years ago with regular flour and I remember it turned out fine. I am just about to make it again and so wondering if I should just try the pizza/pasta flour to see how that works.

    1. Wondra is more coarse than all purpose flour. It makes dumplings fall apart in your mouth. All purpose will make them look nice but they will be chewy. Not the same.

  18. We made your goulash and dumplings today and it was like being back in Prague. Delicious! We enjoyed Urquell and Czechvar too. Thank you for teaching us!

    1. That is wonderful! I am happy to hear it brought back memories of your visit of Prague. 🙂

  19. Can’t wait to try this recipe! I remember my parents making dumplings with all purpose flour and farina. I just don’t remember the measurements, do you have any thoughts on this?

    1. I only use Wondra flour since that is working the best for me. I tried it once using semolina and it wasn’t good. I am not sure about farina.

  20. Super recipe!! Tried and have lovely 3 huge dumplings.And believe or not it taste as Czech one

    1. I am glad to hear. 🙂

  21. Every visit to my dads parents house consisted of these dumplings with Chicken Paprika. She added dried cubed bread to hers. These dumplings were a staple at their house. Miss my grandmothers cooking. I can remember trays of cubed bread drying in her screened in porch. This meant a new batch was getting ready to be made. Thank you for the video. I am going to try and make them.

    1. Yes I also have a recipe for Bread Dumplings using bread. 🙂

  22. Has anyone used a gluten free flour with success?
    Thank you!

  23. My mixer with the dough hook is not available
    Suggestion please

    1. Just make the dough with hands. Here in the Czech Republic I don’t have a mixer so I make all doughs the old fashioned way.

  24. Chci udelat svickovou omacku pro ty knedliky ale vegetarianskou. Any advice? Ziju v Kanade

    1. Svickova je specifiicka prave diky masu. Tak si nedokazu predstavit jak by chutnala na vegetariansky zpusob. Leda zkusit jinou omacku treba koprovku.

  25. Dekuji moc za vsechny recepty! Zkousela jste nekdy jine mleko krome kravského? Chci udelat Vasi rajskou, ale my nemixujeme maso s mlecnymi produkty tak nevim jak na to s knedliky 🙂 dekuji moc za radu!
    Varim podle vas několik let krupicovou kaši (akka Farina) a jsem tak vděčná, vždy perfektně dopadne!

    1. Hm ja delam jen z kravskeho, ale u nas v rodine jime rajskou i s testovinami (kolinka) a tak mozna zkusit to?

  26. I was fortunate to be able to visit Prague a few years back. While walking and touring I turned down a street of restaurants and stopped in my tracks. The pictures out front of foods being served looked as if my Baba and Mother had cooked them and sent pictures! Your recipes and pictures give me that same feeling. When making them it as if my Mother gave you the recipes. Thank you so much for sharing! The knedliky were exactly what I was looking for.

    1. Thank you Pat for your beautiful comment. This is exactly why I am creating these recipes. I am happy they are bringing back wonderful memories of your Baba and your mother.

  27. Thank you for the recipe here and video on YT.
    However, how do you reheat those? I’ve looked under your the video but couldn’t find any links as to how to reheat ?
    Please and thank you.
    P.S. My dough is rising as I’m typing this and my hope is…..that it will turned out LOL
    I’m using Robin Hood Easy Blend flour.
    I remember these from a visit to Czech Republic years ago. It was sooooo good !

  28. Thank you soooo very much for writing back with the link.
    They turned out tasty and big!

    1. I am happy to hear! 🙂

  29. Where can I buy a dumpling slicer? My paternal grandparents came from Hungary and Czechoslovakia. I only have a few recipes that were handed down from them. My mother watched her mother in law cook and wrote down some recipes as she watched. My grandmother never used a recipe. Everything she cooked or baked was from her memory. I am so happy to have found you and listen to your videos. Thank you for allowing me to make some meals from my heritage!

    1. Thank you 🙂 Serrated knife works perfect. I have never use dumpling slicer or have seen people in CZ using one. I haven’t even seen one any more in CZ stores.

  30. Has anyone been successful with a gluten free version of bread dumpling? All I can find are recipes using potatoes and I am searching for a method without potatoes and GF. Thank you!

  31. Hi there. I am getting mixed results with my knedliky – most rise beautifully but a few seem to collapse. Where am I going wrong – these are dumplings from the same batch of dough!?

    1. They might have lost a boil and were not cooked properly. I would recommend steaming them. They will never collapse again.

  32. I live in high elevation and they are always dense when I make them (and they were so fluffy when we lived at sea level), do you (or any of your followers) know what to change in the recipe to make them fluffy?

    1. Hm I am sorry to hear. I would try to raise the dough in the oven, which you preheat on a lowest setting, turn off and add the dough to rise.

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