Rum Balls – Rumové kuličky



Total Time: 45 minutes

About 50 – 60 balls

1⁄2 cup (80 g) raisins
1⁄2 cup (120 ml) rum
1 cup (100 g) walnuts
2 Hershey milk chocolate bars (total 3.10 ounces / 90 g)
12 ounces (340 g) graham crackers
1⁄2 cup (60 g) powdered sugar
Unsweetened shredded coconut for coating

  1. How do I print this recipe?

    1. Hi Kathy. We’re working hard to get detailed written instructions for our recipes into kindle books. We will also eventually have a physical printed cookbook. But until then the best we’re able to do is provide the ingredients and videos. Thank you for your patience! 🙂

    2. Just take a picture of the recipe.

  2. Ahoj from Paris, France!
    Can’t wait to try this recipe.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Would it be possible to have the measurements stated in both US and metric?

    1. Greetings to Paris! 🙂 The main audience for our site is 2nd and 3rd generation english speaking Czechs who live in the US and who have a hard time making metric based recipes. So our goal is to unlock metric based recipes into US measurements and in doing so I didn’t just convert recipes from metric to US. I have to completely recreate each recipe from the ground up in US measurements. But I have thought of requests like yours and I want to accommodate that as much as possible. So I have a conversion chart on my site here and I hope that will be helpful to you! 🙂

      1. Thanks so much.
        Tried them, tasted them and offered many of them to people who loved them.

        1. So happy to hear. 🙂

  3. Wow, thanks for the great site. My grandpa and grandma came to Canada in the 1920’s and we have always enjoyed Czech food. I think it is the best food ever, and had a hard time trying to find recipes. I really love what you are doing. I have been trying to collect some recipes and found your site, so I am so grateful. BTW, my grandma used to make a 3 layer cake, and each layer was a different flavor, no one in our family seems to know how she made it. It had a cake layer of nut with maybe rum flavoring, then a light yellow layer (maybe lemon), and a brown layer (maybe coffee?), then the cream was like a butter cream, maybe with a touch of rum or coffee in it?, and I think she also put some nuts on top. If you know what this recipe is, I would love to hear back from you. It was a most delicious cake.

    1. Hi Elise, so glad you find my website. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. In Czech we do make many types of cakes with different fillings. I wasn’t able to master the Czech cake yet. I will work on it in the future. 🙂

  4. Hi Kristyna,

    Right now I’m letting the dough for three Christmas breads rise. I’ve made a batch of rum balls, kolace, crescent cookies, bear paws and two batches of meringues (snowy kisses). Almost ready for tomorrow. Thanks for all your wonderful recipes. My husband appreciates it —I’m pooped! And I still need to braid the doughs, let them rise and bake them off! I wish you had the website when my father in law was still alive. I made kolace for him a few times– he would have loved all these recipes!

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Wow Karen, you have made a lots of yummy goodies! 🙂 I am sure your husband is very happy man. 🙂 I hope it all turned out amazing and you enjoyed all the food you made! 🙂 Wishing you all the best in new year!

  5. If you microwave the raisins in the rum for maybe 30 seconds, it’s the same as soaking them over night. Well, not the same, but they get soft and soak up the rum really fast. I’m really looking forward to making this recipe!

    I’m interested in buying a printed cookbook! Your recipes are amazing.

    1. Thank you Carley, glad you enjoy my recipes. 🙂 I am working on writing the cookbook so it can be printed. I can’t wait to have my cookbook in my hands and for everyone as well. 🙂

  6. FYI – Czech wafers are the same as Nilla Wafers in the US. They look and taste exactly the same ……

    1. I have heard how they are so much sweeter.

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