Makes 29
Prep: 40 min.
Bake / Hands on 3 1/2 hours
255F (125C) 15 min.
180F (80C) 35 min.
Filling: 30 min.
Dipping in chocolate: 20 min.
Total: about 5 hours
6 (8oz / 220g) egg-whites
1 1/4 cups (290g) granulated sugar
3/4 cup (120g) powdered sugar
2 cups (160g) unsweetened fine coconut
1 can dulce de leche or sweetened condensed milk (Boil the can for 2 hours in plenty of water on gentle boil and let completely cool off before use.)
2 sticks (230g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup (100g) walnuts
Chocolate Drizzle
2oz (55g) dark chocolate
1-2 tsp shortening (can be coconut oil)
- Make cream. Instructions bellow.
- Into a large pot add water about 1/3 of the height of the pot. Cover with lid and bring to boil.
- Into a large metal bowl add 6 egg whites, 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar and 3/4 cup powdered sugar.
- After the water is boiling, turn off the stove. Put bowl with egg whites mixture on the top of the pot. Make sure the water isn’t touching the bowl.
- Mix on high with hand mixer over the steam for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you should have soft peaks and thick batter.
- Add 2 cups unsweetened coconut and carefully mix it all in folding it with a wooden spoon. Make sure you don’t see any loose coconut and all is nicely mixed in.
- Preheat the oven to 255F.
- Prepare large baking tray and put baking paper on. If your baking tray is large enough you can put two sets of laskonky next to each other. You can test it with the mold if it will fit. Put laskonky mold on the baking paper and with large spoon scoop up into each opening laskonky batter. Make sure the openings are well covered. You can go little higher above the molds. Try to smoothen the top to have it even.
- Carefully lift and remove the mold from one end to the other. Make sure you don’t bake the mold. 😀
- Bake on 255F for 15 minutes, afterwards drop the temperature to 180F and put fork in the door leaving small opening. You need to dry them slowly. Bake on 180F for about 35 minutes depending on a height of laskonky. You might need to test it to see. Every oven bakes differently so you have to watch it. They have to keep their white color and be done and not sticking to the tray, when you try to remove them.
- While one tray is baking, work on the second tray.
- After the laskonky are baked pull the tray out of the oven and let laskonky cool off completely. This way they should come out easily.
- Before the third laskonky mold use I recommend to wash the mold. Otherwise it gets too sticky and hard to lift.
- After laskonky are cooled off fill them with cream and drizzle with chocolate.
- Fill one baked laskonka with cream covering whole surface and gently add another laskonka on the top.
- Drizzle with chocolate.
Making the cream
- Grind 1 cup walnuts.
- Into a medium sized bowl add 2 sticks of softened butter cut into smaller pieces. If you forgot to take the butter out of the fridge, soften it little bit in a microwave. Add cooked and cooled caramel. Mix caramel and butter all together until all is smooth and well mixed.
- Add ground walnuts and mix in with wooden spoon.
- Put cream into the fridge until you are done baking.
Drizzling with chocolate
- Add water into first smaller pot. Into even smaller pot than the first one add 2oz dark chocolate and start with 1 tsp shortening and add more if chocolate is still too thick. Add enough water to the first pot so the second smaller pot is touching the water and can be in the water nicely securely sitting.
- Turn on the stove to medium heat and let chocolate and shortening melt. You don’t want to bring the water to boil so lower the temperature if needed. Before the water starts boiling the chocolate should be completely melted.
- Drizzle chocolate on the top of laskonky.
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What is the Amazon laskonky mold made off?
Plastic but you don’t bake it.
This is one recipe I wish you recorded. The videos are quite helpful.
I will definitely make a video. Hopefully soon 🙂
Should I spray the mold first so batter doesn’t stick to it? Or is it easy to lift it after spreading it?
No need to spray the form. Just remove it slowly.
Thank you for posting the link for those molds. I feel so stupid, because I looked for them trying different key words, but never thought to actually look for laskonky mold. Duh
🙂 I decided to keep the name, because I have no idea what other name would be fitting. 🙂