Beef Sirloin With Cream Sauce – Svíčková na smetaně


Prep: 40 minutes
Cook: 2 hours 10 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 50 minutes

2 1⁄2 pounds (1,1 kg) sirloin or tenderloin
4 thick slices of bacon
1 cup (240 ml) water (for baking the meat)

3 large carrots
2 medium parsnips
1 large onion
5 stalks of celery
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
Dash of ground ginger
3 bay leaves
6 whole allspice
6 cups (1,4 l) water
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup (240 ml) whipping cream
1 cup (240 ml) milk
1⁄4 cup (35 g) all purpose flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 cup (240 ml) whipping cream from a carton or regular whipped cream from a spray can
Cranberry sauce

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  1. Can’t wait to try it! Without the dumplings since we can’t find proper flour in Eastern Quebec… Bramboracky will be our sidedish 🙂

    1. Yay. I had somebody from Canada commenting on my dumplings video and he said he was able to make my dumplings from Robin Hood Special Blend Flour. You should give it a try 😉 Good luck with svickova.

      1. Yes it was the Robin Hood Special Blend. I know you made it with Wondra on Czech Cookbook and I googled the equivalent in Canada and there was a comment online that Robin Hood Special Blend Flour (It comes in a yellow ‘shifter’ can) is like Wondra (which also comes in a similar type can).

        And it worked!! 🙂

        1. Thank you again for your tip. I am sure it will be very helpful to lots of people. Now I just have to find out what is substitute for Wondra in UK.

          1. Thank you guys! I will make it all on Dec 31st yay 😉

      2. I have made Czech raised yeast dumplings in Canada for 30 years using unbleached all purpose flour and they are delicious!

        1. Thank you! Great to know. 🙂

      3. I cannot find Special Blend on their website.

        1. You can’t find either of these? Robin Hood Nutri Flour Blend “Tastes Like White” or Robin Hood Easy Blend

    2. Use robinhood instant blending flour!!!

      1. I am not sure if you are telling me to use Robin Hood flour, which we definitely not have in USA.

  2. Thank you for the Svíčková recipe!

    1. 🙂

  3. I made it with the bread dumplings and it was sooo good 🙂 Awesome! It is a keeper. I love all the recipes I tried so far. They bring me right back to Czech Republic. Thank you very much!


    1. Yay. I am so glad they came out good for you and that you are enjoying these recipes. 🙂

      1. In a normal recipe what would the quantity of carrot, celery root and parsley root be? Also do you ever freeze the sauce? Thank you.

        1. You would want to use half of a medium sized celery root and 2 parsley roots and 3 large carrots. I don’t think I tried to freeze it. But should be ok. I would try to freeze little bit and see.

  4. I forgot to tell you that I used Robin Hood nutri flour blend (“tastes like white”) available in Quebec. It worked great!

    1. Thank you for letting us know. It will surely help others in Canada.

  5. Thanks for the delicious goulash recipe.

    1. I am glad you liked it. 🙂

  6. I am czech and my girlfriend is cuban. We live in miami. We invited her cuban parents over for dinner and made goulash with dumplings. Your directions were very easy to follow. Dinner was excellent and the Cubans were very impressed. Thank you Kristyna.

    1. 🙂 I am happy you all enjoyed it.

  7. WOW! GREAT site! This recipe brought me back 35 years to when my Bobinka would make this… THANKS! The Parsnips give it that

    1. That is so special to me to hear such a story. This is why I am making these videos to keep them alive for many generations. 🙂

  8. Just got done cooking this dish. And it was delicious. Brought back memories when I was visiting family in Czech Republic. To bad you’re married!! Haha your husband is very lucky to have such a beautiful and amazing cook. I can only hope I find such a lady. 🙂

    1. Aww 🙂 (blush). Thank you! I am sure with your amazing cooking skills you will charm many ladies. 😉

  9. i love your videos, when you make your Svíčková you don’t let it marinate over night? My great grandmothers recipe has it in a vinegar solution and pickle spice over night in the fridge that is very good

    1. Sounds yummy! There is so many different variations to any meal, but I don’t marinate the meat.

  10. I cannot thank you enough for all of these recipes!! This being one of my favorites! Born in Czech raised here in the US growing up eating all of these dishes, now having my own house hold my husband loves all of my moms cooking this is an easy way of finding all of my moms recipes in English. Since every time I call her she just tells me to add a little of this little of that! I always get excited to see a new email from you to see if it’s a dish I know! Thank you Kristyna!!!

    1. Hi Kristyna, thank you so much for such a wonderful comment! It makes me happy to hear how my hard work is making others happy. I know exactly what you mean with little bit of this and little bit of that. 😀 Which doesn’t really work for people that never cooked the dish. I am constantly in my kitchen creating new recipes. 🙂

  11. Ahoi, svickova je nejlepsi:-) I send u warm greetings from germany, and i am very happy that i have found ur website. Thanks for ur work.
    Na shledanou Dieter:-)

    1. Hi Dieter, thank you for your greetings. Many greetings back to Germany! I am glad you enjoy svickova. 🙂 Great Czech!

  12. Ahoj Kristyno! Vase svickova byla vynikajici! Dekuji za recept!

    Byl jsem loni v Brne, chtel jsem navstivit dum a muzeum Leose Janacka. Krasne mesto, a jeste krasnejsi byl nadherny moravsky venkov!!

    1. Tak to rada slysim, ze svickova chutnala a ze se libilo na Morave! 🙂

  13. Thank you so much for the Svickova recipe. I just have one question for you. I am writing to you from Alberta Canada and I have celery root here. How much celery root would you use instead of the celery?

    I have made a few recipes and they are so amazing. The bread dumplings, I was so excited when the turned out. Then there is fried cheese (we have edam cheese here so that is what I used). 🙂 Thanks so much for making the videos they also are very helpful. If you are ever in the Edmonton area you must visit Bistro Praha, it is my favourite restaurant in Edmonton. Cheers

    1. Hi Sheri, Many greetings to Canada! I would use half of medium size celery root or one small one and definitely put it through food processor. I am glad to hear you are enjoying my recipes. 🙂 Bistro Praha sounds amazing! Thank you! 🙂

  14. I just stumbled on your website tonight and just have to say — I’m so excited to try your recipes. Thanks for making these videos. I fell in love with Czech food as a student in Prague years ago, and I’ve been eager to try making svíčková on my own. Thank you.

    1. I hope you enjoy my recipes and that they will bring back wonderful memories! 🙂


    1. Just do search here on my blog for dumplings. Or look at side dishes.

  16. Hey there! I love all your recipes, they are amazing. I recently traveled to Czech Republic and Slovakia and miss the food, so I make a few of your recipes a month back here in Indiana and try to introduce my family and friends to great food 🙂

    I just made svickova for the first time. My friends and I ate all of the meat, but there is plenty of leftover sauce. Do you have any suggestions on how to cook new meat, by itself, to serve with my leftover sauce (that I froze). Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    And I like your videos. Super helpful and you are kinda funny lol

    1. Hi David, Thank you 🙂 Glad to hear you are enjoying my recipes. 🙂 You can cook the meat like in this recipe and then you can freeze the broth as a base to another sauce or soup. 🙂

      1. Děkuji!! I appreciate the help and will have to soon try the tomato recipe 🙂

        1. Glad to help. 🙂

  17. This is my first time making this dish, and it is absolutely delicious! My mom and grandparents are from the Czech Republic, and this was their favourite meal! It tasted just as good as they remembered 🙂 Thank you so much, we love your recipes!!

    1. I am so happy to hear! Thank you 🙂

  18. Hello! I keep kosher so can’t mix dairy and meat but used to love svíčková so much. What do you think I can use instead of the cream and milk without it turning into weird asian dish haha if I used coconut milk. I miss this dosh so much..thanks

    1. Hm the dish is called sirloin with cream sauce, so skipping it won’t taste the same. You can skip the cream though and it should still be good. Don’t use any coconut of almond milk since that would change the flavor too much.

  19. Mila Kristynko, muj syn a muj zet mne pozadali, abych je naucila varit muj gulas.
    Pridali se k nim dalsi tri kamaradi a hned nas byla plna kuchyn. Protoze pochazim z Jizni Moravy , Tvuj recept /video/ jsme presne okopirovali a podarilo se, vsem chutnalo.Moje mamka i babicka ho varivaly stejne jako Ty, nebo jen s malickou obmenou. K vanocum jsem synovi i zetovi koupila Tvoji kucharskou knihu.Nadseni nebralo konce a tak dnes, bylo nas 8, jsme varili svickovou./Knedliky uz jsem mela hotove./ Mezi spekovanim masa a chystanim zeleniny jsme popijeli bublinkove , pojidali jednohubky ,ovoce a dalsi dobrutky prichystane hostitelem.Uvarit svickovou vzalo 3 a pul hodiny a obedvalo se venku, slunicko svitilo, bylo 75 F !
    Chci Ti timto podekovat za tu radost , kterou jsi nam svymi presnymi instrukcemi zpusobila! A taky nam k tomu hraly moravske lidove! Kdyby to slo, poslala bych Ti obrazkovou dokumentaci! Vsichni jsme se shodli v tom , ze proste Tvoje svickova je jednicka! Tak zdravim z Austinu a dekuji z celeho srdce za Tvoji laskyplnou reprezentaci moravskych tradic a moravske kuchyne! Zdravi , babi Vlasta

    1. Jee moc dekuji za tak hezka slova! Udelalo mi to radost! 🙂 Jsem rada, ze gulas i svickova chutnala. Preji spoustu zdarnych receptu a krasnych spolecnych zazitku. Je hezke videt ze se vas tolik seslo a uzili jste si nejen dobreho jidla, ale i nasich pisnicek. 🙂 Jsem na Facebooku jako Czech Cookbook a moc rada bych videla to video. 😉 Tam mi ho muzete poslat. Moc zdravim do Austinu. 🙂

  20. I am of Czech heritage, my grandmother spoke Czech and cooked like you do. We made Svíčková, dumplings and lemon cookies for Christmas dinner tonight. It was a very special meal. I like passing something of our heritage to our daughters. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. That is beautiful! 🙂

  21. When you whip your cream for the topping do you add sugar? We had a Czech exchange student introduce us to svićkova and we are trying to make it ourselves. In the US. Thankyou!

    1. No sugar. Only whipping cream.

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